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Artist Spotlight: Sujata Aher

We are excited to announce our new Artist Spotlight series, where we regularly feature a story or interview highlighting a local artist and member. 

We are thrilled to introduce Sujata Aher and share the interview we recently conducted. 

Q&A Interview May 2024

Q: How would you describe your current art and the path that brought you here?

Sujata:  "
I found myself reconnecting with the passion that had always been a part of me. Today, as I embrace my identity as an artist, I understand the value of chasing my dreams, living authentically, and never letting fear hold me back. I want my art to communicate the power of exploring the possibilities and following one's passion.

My artistic style is a fusion of abstract and realism, creating a unique and captivating visual narrative. I craft abstract backgrounds with depth and texture, setting the stage for the realistic being or things to venture into this intriguing world. The abstract background serves as a canvas of emotions, thoughts, and mysteries waiting to be uncovered. The presence of realistic beings or things adds a human touch to the abstract realm, allowing viewers to relate and empathize with the journey of exploration and discovery. It serves as a reflection of our own experiences exploring and navigating through life. I use mixed media to create the underpainting and finish the paintings with oils. 

I try to convey emotions and ideas in a visually engaging manner. As an artist, I am committed to expressing myself authentically through my art."

Q: How long have you been an Associated Artists of Winston-Salem member, and why have you stayed involved?

Sujata: "
I have been a member of AAWS since 2023. I have participated in most of the art calls and have sold my art through them."

Q: How long have you been doing art, and how did you get started?

Sujata: "From a young age, I was drawn to art, finding joy and expression in drawing and painting. However, societal pressures and doubts about the viability of an art career led me to a different path. I excelled in my computer science career, working for prestigious companies like IBM and ODFL.

Yet, that artistic spark never truly dimmed. It lingered as a whisper, a reminder of my true passion waiting to be unleashed. It took a significant event—a life-altering accident and the subsequent months of bedrest—to make me reassess my priorities and confront the longing to pursue art.

During those six weeks of immobility, I had time to reflect and listen to that inner voice that had been nudging me for years. I realized that postponing my dreams for an uncertain future was not the way to live authentically. So, with determination and a newfound sense of purpose, I made the bold decision to leave the corporate world behind and dive headfirst into the world of art."

Q: How does Winston-Salem inspire your art?

Sujata: "
I instantly felt very welcomed in the art community in Winston Salem. In 2023, I attended the Artists Thrive Annual Summit in Winston Salem where I got to meet artists and art educators from all over the country.

I regularly attend Kara Hammond Studio in Winston Downtown for open drawing sessions every Wednesday where I get to mingle with other artists. I enjoy going to Mixxer Community Maker events.  I enjoy Art Crush, which brings artists and art initiatives together. I volunteer at Artworks Gallery, which is very inspiring, and I get to see great artwork.

Most of all AAWS has given me great exposure to display my art through its art calls and community art programs. I feel grateful to be in this town, with a strong Arts Council that encourages independent artists like me."

Q: What's next for you in your art?

Sujata: "I am working on my portfolio with my newly found voice. Then I will extend my boundaries beyond Winston Salem."

Q: What's one random fact about you that might surprise people?

I enjoy hiking, traveling, and dancing."

To learn more about Sujata and explore her art further, you can visit her website at or find her on Instagram at artbysujataaher.

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