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Volunteer with AAWS

Together we can make great things happen!

Being an ALL Volunteer-run organization, we depend on our members to help keep our activities going. Every person brings a unique talent and perspective to the table and can help to build something that will benefit us all. You're not an artist but an art lover; you enjoy being around creative people, and we would love to have you as a community member! There are so many ways to help! Please consider joining one of our teams to help us broaden our scope of service to the artistic community!

AAWS is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization

Click the button below to sign up; a coordinator will contact you with more information.

Donations Welcome!

Don't have spare time to give? You can support us with a tax-deductible donation.
We depend on donations to keep going as a non-profit so that we can serve the community better.

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Associated Artists of Winston-Salem, Inc.

251 North Spruce Street
Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101
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All rights to images in this site remain with the respective artists. Images may not be displayed, printed, published or reproduced without permission of the artist.

© 2024 - Associated Artists of Winston-Salem, Inc.
All rights reserved.

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