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Bill Edwards Grant

Apply for the Bill Edwards Artistic Development Fund

You're Invited: Bill Edwards Artist Support Grant opens In January 2024.

Established by the Estate of Joseph William "Bill" Edwards to be administered through Associated Artists of Winston-Salem. During his employment at Western Electric, Bill was active in the art scene in Winston-Salem, NC. He taught for many years with the Winston-Salem Art Council and was the first gallery chairman of Associated Artists. The Bill Edwards Grant sponsors scholarships for new and established artists pursuing art lessons and advanced visual arts training.

The Bill Edwards Grant is intended for adult, non-student artists. Artists enrolled in undergraduate or associate degree-granting programs may not apply for this grant. Artists in certificate programs are generally eligible. Artists pursuing graduate degrees in subjects other than their art form may be eligible if they meet the other eligibility criteria. Questions and special circumstances should be discussed with the AAWS Grant Review Committee. Requests of up to $500 are accepted, with applicants granted full or partial funding for submitted projects based on the number of applicants and available funding for the selected period. Awards are granted quarterly. The next quarter applications are due by August 16, 2024, for classes/workshops that take place between October 1 and December 31, 2024.

Recipients of The Bill Edwards Grant must be current members of Associated Artists of Winston-Salem.

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Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101
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