Welcome to our Artist Spotlight feature, where we regularly showcase a story or interview highlighting a local artist and member.
We are thrilled to introduce Kevin G. Owen and share the interview we recently conducted to get to know this multi-talented local artist.
Q&A Interview September 2024
Q: How would you describe your current art and the path that brought you here?
Kevin: "As an Architect, the drawing style I was taught and used in my profession is intended to represent an imagined reality. I didn’t want to be doing that on my days off. I started exploring just the basics of line, shape, and color. At that time my art leaned strongly into the abstract category.
Over time, the paintings became more and more just impressions of reality, impressionistic landscapes specifically. Currently, I start by preparing the surface (canvas, paper, or board) with found objects like string, scraps of paper and cloth, and pine needles. Then, I begin layering color and texture and discovering the painting within. It’s both intentional and explorational."
 Q: How long have you been creating art, and how did you get started? Kevin: "As far back as I can remember (or further back if you ask my mother), I’ve colored, drawn, sketched, painted, or built things. It really has always been just what I do.However, it's only recently, in 2013, that I started dedicating time and resources to developing strictly the art."
Q: How long have you been a member of the Associated Artists of Winston-Salem and what motivated you to join?
Kevin: "Being a part of the community has always been important to me. I’ve served and continue to serve on several Winston-Salem non-profit Boards of Directors. So, joining a group of Winston-Salem area artists seemed like an excellent way to be more a part of the art community."
 Q: How long have you lived in Winston-Salem and how does it inspire your art?
Kevin: "Except for a brief time away at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where I got my degree in architecture, I’ve always lived in Winston-Salem." Q: What's next for you?
Kevin: "More ART. I’m having fun learning and exploring. I don’t feel anywhere near where I think I can be. I really have no idea where I’m heading, but I’m really enjoying the search, and I plan to continue heading there."
To learn more about Kevin and see a more in-depth look at his work, check out his website at kevingowen-studio.com.