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Artist Spotlight: Judi Russell

Welcome to our Artist Spotlight feature, where we regularly showcase a story or interview highlighting a local artist and member. 

We are thrilled to introduce Judi Russell and share the interview we recently conducted to get to know this multi-talented local artist. 

Q&A Interview August 2024

Q: How would you describe your current art and the path that brought you here?

Judi:  "
I love color, patterns, shapes, and textures. Lately, I’ve been painting paper then tearing up the paper into bits to apply over an underpainting. Several samples of this technique are on display and available at the Milton Rhodes Gallery. My youngest granddaughter provided a great explanation of my art style. She said, “Your use of patterns allows you to create something new and different from something ordinary."

Going a bit further, the use of patterns, texture, color and a variety of mediums entertains me during the creative process, with the hope the finished piece will also entertain the viewer. If the viewer slows down in front of my painting, steps in closer, and spends a bit of time viewing it, then I have met my goal of entertainment!

Reviewing my career, it’s easy to see that I always seemed to surround myself with creative people and creative activities. As an example, I owned an advertising agency for over 25 years. However, my primary focus was on sales and management. I worked with creative individuals and agencies while in management positions at Wachovia, Hanes, and Bali. For most of my business career, I was minimally involved but actually on the fringe of the creative process. Then... there was the moment I decided to step from the sidelines to create my own art! The decision to become a painter was momentous. It meant selling my agency in order to spend time learning as much as possible about creating my own art. Lucky for me, that is a never-ending process!"

Q: How long have you been creating art, and how did you get started?

Judi: "I’ve been creating art since elementary school, but never thought I was talented enough to actually become an artist. About 20 years ago I made a decision to sell my agency to focus on becoming an artist. I knew this wouldn’t be easy because I’m my own worst critic. I knew my unsuccessful painting attempts would push me to give up my goal. For this reason, I decided to create 600 paintings (any size) before making a decision to quit. This “mind trick” worked perfectly because I’m still painting while learning and experimenting with different styles, techniques and mediums. My soul feels nourished every time I sit down to paint!"

Q: How long have you been a member of the Associated Artists of Winston-Salem member and what motivated you to join?

Judi: "I’ve been a member for about 20 years. I was looking for a way to connect with other artists and also ways and places to exhibit my art."

Q: How long have you lived in Winston-Salem and how does it inspire your art?

Judi: "
I’ve lived in Winston-Salem for 58 years. I’ve had the opportunity to work for Piedmont Airlines, Hanes Hosiery, Bali, and Wachovia, and the challenge of starting my own advertising agency, The Russell Agency. 

I met my husband 57 years ago, and we have two wonderful, creative daughters and four grandchildren. Our grandson is enjoying his time in Winston-Salem as a rising junior at the School of the Arts, majoring in Film. Our three granddaughters are constantly encouraged to develop their creative side while also being involved with school homework and sports activities. All three dance, paint and cook. Our oldest granddaughter discovered and excelled at pottery this past year and we’re hoping she continues to pursue it while attending the University of Colorado in Boulder as a freshman this fall."

Q: What's next for you?

Judi: "I’ve worked most of my life and have always had some pretty major goals. It’s now time for me to enjoy our daughters, grandchildren, sons-in-law, brothers and sisters, nephews, and nieces while continually cheering them on toward their personal goals and encouraging them to discover and develop their creative interests.

My goal of learning, experimenting with new techniques, and painting as regularly as possible continues to be my personal mission."

Q: What's one random fact about you that might surprise people?

I met my husband, John, while working as a Flight Attendant for Piedmont Airlines. He had just moved south from Massachusetts as an insurance agent for the Carolinas and Virginia and was a passenger on my flight.

I like to think that we’re both still working. He’s working in the industry he loves (business and personal insurance) for Russell & Cook Insurance and I’m working “at” painting."

To learn more about Judi and see a more in-depth look at her work, check out her website at

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