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Artist Spotlight: Ginny Campbell

We are excited to announce the second in our new Artist Spotlight series, where we regularly feature a story or interview highlighting a local artist and member. 

We are thrilled to introduce Ginny Campbell and share the interview we recently conducted. We learned a ton about her art, what inspires and drives her, and maybe a little something you didn't know about this talented woman!

Q&A Interview January 2024

Q: How long have you been doing art, and how did you get started?

Ginny: "I’ve been an artist for more than 60 years. I’ve always been fascinated by color and light. I remember standing in my crib, watching 12 squares of light move around the room as the sun came in the window. Then my mother put a crayon in my hand. I have a BFA in Studio Art and a Masters in Art Therapy. I am now retired after a 40-year career."

“Standing Alone,” from the “Living with Loss” series. 18“ x 24“ Acrylic, 2011Q: How would you describe your current art and the path that brought you here?

Ginny:  "When I became disabled, I could no longer physically make art the way I used to. I used to paint large, detailed canvases in acrylic. Painting helped me process my life. I have a “Living with Loss” series about acceptance and resilience. This 18" x 24" acrylic piece, called “Standing Alone,” is from my “Living with Loss” series.

"After I became disabled, I started making small, lightweight mixed media assemblages. I can only work in 20-minute increments. The materials and methods I use accommodate these limitations.

Tab 57"I combine canvas, paint, paper, photographs, and computer/electronic hardware. People give me old laptops, TV remotes, games, calculators, charging cables and other electronic devices, which I take apart. If you have a device you’d like me to turn into art, please email AAWS and ask them to pass along the details to me. 

"The titles I choose for my mixed media pieces come from the electronics themselves. Some combination of words and numbers. This piece (right) is called Tab 57 and features a pink iPhone, a 5 from an old calculator button, and the silver spiral is an AA battery terminal from a TV remote.

"Taking apart the electronics is a lot of fun! I never know what I’m gonna find or how I’m gonna use it. It’s like opening a gift!

820"I also make abstract glass pieces. I used to put them in window sashes but can no longer lift them. If anyone needs old window sashes, I have lots (email inquiries). I now put them in small picture frames. I have an 8“ x 10“ glass piece in the Small Pieces for Small Places show in the AAWS space at North Trade Street Arts Center through January 31st. This piece (left) is called 820.

"The final way being disabled has changed my art is transportation. It is difficult for me to drop off/pick up art for shows. Many thanks to Marsha, Susan and Margaret of AAWS, who kindly do that for me. That’s also why I never attend show openings and AAWS social events."

Q: How long have you been an Associated Artists of Winston-Salem member, and why have you stayed involved?

Ginny: "I’ve been a member since July 2022. I greatly appreciate AAWS for accommodating my limitations since, without that, I’d be unable to exhibit my art."

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