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Sketchbook Series Class One: Bookbinding with Patty Pape

  • 09/22/2024
  • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Masonic Center of Winston-Salem
  • 3


Registration is closed

Have you ever wondered how artists develop their drawing and painting skills?  Have you ever wanted to establish a daily art practice? If you answered yes to any of these questions, there is only one answer for you - an art sketchbook! AAWS created this workshop series to explore the advantages of forming a routine sketchbook practice.

This Bookbinding Class is your first class of four. Here, you'll make your own sketchbook for the following three classes.

First, you’ll learn to cover book board with decorative paper to make your book cover. Then, you’ll fold various papers to make the inside pages for your book, and, finally, you’ll learn a simple 5-hole pamphlet stitch to bind your book into a wonderful hardbound journal!

Students should bring a metal ruler (18” recommended), pencil, and scissors.

**Please note that this class is offered at a discounted price for all due to the Shallow Ford Foundations generosity!


Patty Pape (Session One and Two)

Patty Pape, who will teach Session One and Two, spent her work career in the telecommunications world. Retiring as an executive from a multinational corporation, she began the next chapter of her journey by taking classes at Sawtooth. Quickly, she became immersed in mixed media. Patty has an obsession with paper, paste, and art supplies which she now uses to focus primarily on art journaling, collage, and bookmaking. She has been teaching at Sawtooth and other venues for many years. Patty is the Board Chair for The Art SHAC, a creative reuse non-profit in Winston-Salem, and the President of Carolina Lettering Arts Society, a calligraphy guild serving North and South Carolina.


Upcoming in this series:

  • Session One: September 22, Bookbinding, Masonic Center of WS
  • Session Two: September 29, Mixed Media, Mary Alice Warren Community Center
Register Now for Class Two: Mixed Media with Patty Pape
    • Session Three: October 12, Pen and Pencil Sketching, Mary Alice Warren Community Center (not yet open for registration)
    • Session Four: November 2, Mary Alice Warren Community Center (not yet open for registration)



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