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Artist Spotlight: Affee Vickers

We are excited to announce our new Artist Spotlight series, where we regularly feature a story or interview highlighting a local artist and member. 

We are thrilled to introduce Affee Vickers and share the interview we recently conducted to get to know this multi-talented local artist. 

Q&A Interview July 2024

Q: How would you describe your current art and the path that brought you here?

Affee:  "
My current artistic style is extremely exploratory. I say this because at this chapter I am stretching beyond my artistic talents in oil paintings, woodwork, glass, copper and stainless steel. Alone, these mediums have transformed spaces and become captivating expressions of my personal journey and the places where I get inspiration from. When I blend these multifaceted mediums, they take on a journey of their own. When you think about it, stainless steel, glass and wood have their own unique characteristics and often do not blend well. I have found that exploring the fibers of different mediums is an art in itself and when you understand their inner workings they can form the most impressive pieces of creative synergy when tempered together."

Q: How long have you been creating art, and how did you get started?

Affee: "God has truly blessed me to be a self-taught artist across a broad range of mediums. I’m the guy who can build a turbo for a sports car, make a custom guitar out of a piece of wood that catches my eye, create custom glass statues, design and build wood, stainless steel, or copper pieces of art, and fabricate custom pieces for businesses to keep their machines up and running. 

I went to school for engineering and quickly fell in love with fabrication. Mechanical elements appeal to me the most, so I started dissecting the art of finding mechanical solutions at an early age. Through that lens, I started to see art in the intricacies of mechanics and measurements back in the early 1970’s. When you look at some of my canvases with oil and acrylic you will often see the inner workings of mechanical design. People often say that I was ahead of my time with the pieces that I consider the “grandfathers” of my modern collection because these timeless pieces can fit into just about any modern space decades later.

The softer touch of my artwork came after my children were born. The glasswork and paintings in my collections emphasize growth and expansion. These pieces are so delicately crafted and can take months to complete as they start off as small seeds of inspiration and grow into a beautiful experience. Now that I am a grandfather, there is a tender delicate balance to so many of my pieces and I guess I’ve transition from the hard metal and mechanics and to soft ceramics through this ever-changing journey of life. I have my grandkids to thank for that transition. I hope they will love an appreciate all of the stages of my artwork."

Q: How long have you been a member of the Associated Artists of Winston-Salem member and what motivated you to join?

Affee: "I have been a member of AAWS for six years. My daughter Talitha Vickers did some research and found out about the organization. She said, “Dad there is an amazing community of artists that you just have to meet!” Her enthusiasm led me to join and I am so glad that I did. I am so thankful for the opportunities I’ve had through AAWS and the community they have built."

Q: How long have you lived in Winston-Salem and how does it inspire your art?

Affee: "
I moved from New York about seven years ago and have been so inspired by the transformation of the City of Arts and Innovation. I will forever love NYC, but there is just something so uniquely special about Winston Salem. From the people to the businesses and the community support, it truly is a thriving community with so much to offer on the horizon. I’m just so honored to be a part of it."

Q: What's next for you?

Affee: "Right now I am working on pottery. I took several classes when I lived in New York. I was inspired to start again after learning about Peter Oliver. Oliver was an enslaved man living in Salem who petitioned the court for his freedom and won. He had a farm, was a beekeeper, created steel pipes and worked for the Moravian fire brigade. He reminds me of the multiple hats that I wear as an entrepreneur. Oliver was so successful that he taught others how to thrive and survive in the late 1700’s and in the early 1800’s. He was before his time with his craftmanship and to know that he did so much to support his community by crafting pottery for survival through long winters in the manner we use Tupperware, and it became a skillful art is beyond inspiring to me. So, I decided to take a class at the Sawtooth School to rekindle that spark of ceramics for myself inspired by a true local pioneer."

Q: What's one random fact about you that might surprise people?

One surprising fact about me is that I love to make people laugh. I am very humble and quiet but if I can put a smile on someone’s face through a quick-witted and unexpected joke, it takes people off guard. Anything that I can do or say to bring joy to someone just makes my day. I also love gardening. Having grown up on a farm in Jamaica, gardening brings me back to my roots, so I truly enjoy doing it."

To learn more about Affee and see a more in-depth look at his body of work, check out this YouTube profile: Mediums In Motion by Affee Vickers

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